Member-only story
Now Is A Good Time to Ask Questions and Go Outside.
“We need wilderness and extravagance. Whatever shuts a human being away from the waterfall and the tiger will kill him.” — Robert Bly “Iron John”
For many of us in the Western Culture, our world was blown open in a harsh way this year. We were forced inside for our own good and the good of those around us. Naturally some of agreed this was right, others thought it was bogus, but we all found out that the rhythm we thought we had, did not end up to be so.
Violence and Murder once again were the catalyst for Social Justice and Racial Equality movements.
The pandemic made us ask — How could this happen?
The murder of innocent Black Men and Women made us ask — How does this keep happening?
The communities we had worked long to develop, all of a sudden, changed.
I’ve neglected the impact this has had on my mental health, simply because the stress of thinking about the stress this year has brought…was more stressful itself. I consider this a luxury and a point of privilege, of which I am very aware. I’ve begun to do this work now, and have seen many close to me also dive into this work, or be forced into it, and it is not easy. It’s not fun. It is hard.